torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012

my fridge is empty

Hello snow! Long time no see.
(It's not like I didn't expect this white shit to come.)

keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2012

Cross bomb

flower headpiece - DIY
black knit cardigan - Saint Tropez
velvet skirt - Romwe

I feel like I may be sick... My head hurts so bad and I have a terrible sore throat!
I hate cold autumns! Oh and if you are going to buy that skirt (right now it's now available)
I need to tell you that even if the name of the skirt says that it's colored in navy,
it's not. It's pure purple. Well who cares, I love it anyway!
Btw should I colour my hair darker or lighter? I'd really like to have some change!
Try not to catch a cold, dears!
Bye ~

sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012

God kicked me out from paradise

Do you know the feeling when you're really, REALLY bored and you start messing around,
dancing and singing? - Well I do and you can probably see it from these pictures...
Last day I came back from Copenhagen. I gotta tell you, I haven't ever felled in love with anything 
as much as I did with the city. I didn't want to leave and when I saw the Helsinki airport, I almost
started crying... I wanna go back, and never leave Copenhagen again.
I feel kinda anguished in my own home. Like I wouldn't belong in here. I guess I don't.
Please, I need a miracle. I want to go back to my little paradise and never leave again.
You lucky little Danish bastards. Why did you have to be so nice and kind to me?
Starting Danish lessons tomorrow...

P.S: Haluisko ihmiset, et kirjoittaisin kans suomeks? 

maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012


Right now I gotta say that things are not so good in my life...
I don't think that I am able to trust anyone ever again. I want to escape from this.
Thank God that I'm going to Copenhagen on Wednesday.
Try to smile as long as you can, dears. 

torstai 11. lokakuuta 2012

My style

Hi! I decided to make a post about my style and what kind of clothes I'd really love to wear!:


First of all... WILDFOX.
I just love this brand! I really adore girly looking pastel clothes which still have kind
of  a gothic touch. I'm actually getting one of those dresses, but that will stay as a secret
for now... I also like big rings with big decoration! Those Swarovski rings are just perfect.

My favourite shoes

And here are the ''weirdest'' shoes that I like. Kinda strange for me to like them,
but something about these lovelies just interests me so much.
I wear more like casual, simple shoes. I really like those ''manly'' Dr. Martens!
Big shoes have always been my fav.

bottoms & accessories
And the last collection is for accessories and bottoms.
I love silver/gold/copper toned pants and accs.
My one dream has always been sequin pants! They're just so glam and chic!
I also love leather backpacks. I really need to get one.

Well here it was! Looks like a unicorn had thrown up, but I guess that's my style! :D

Hope you enjoyed!
Good night.

keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2012

Wildfox competition

Hey! I just entered to Wildfox competition on Asos!
Check my look from here and give me a heart! ♥

Thank you!

sunnuntai 7. lokakuuta 2012

farkut/jeans - ASOS
villapaita/sweater - Romwe
kengät/shoes - Jeffrey Campbell

Hej! Tossa on kolme juttua mitä on tullu taas postista!
Jännää ku kuvissahan on ekat Jeffrey Campbellin kenkäni...
yllättävän mukavat (ja söötin väriset)!
Oon aina syksyn tullen vaihtanu värikkäät ja hempeät pastellisävyt tummiin, synkkiin väreihin
kuten tummanvihreä, musta ja sininen. Nyt asia on vissiin toisin.
Millaset säät teillä muuten siellä on? Täällä on niin kylmä että voin haistaa jo lumen.
Anteeksi muuten kun on ollut todella, TODELLA kiireistä. Ensi viikolla kolme
koetta ja sitten onkin syysloma. Odotan sitä innolla.
Olin muuten tämän viikonlopun isosleirillä. Sanonpahan vaan, että
tutustuin (jälleen) mitä mahtavimpiin ihmisiin ja oppisin paljon enemmän positiivista vanhoistakin kavereista.
Kyllä kannatti! Nyt menen lukemaan (yllätys, yllätys) matikan kokeeseen...
Heihei yöunet. Tulee ikävä!

Teille muuten kysymys:
- Mitä muuttaisitte tässä blogissa? Itse tykkään kovasti,
mutten millään saa lukijoita vaikka kuinka yrittäisin.

Translation: Howdy! Here are three things that I have reseived from the mail,
like my first pair of Jeffrey Campbells! They're so cute and comfy!

Usually when the autumn arrives, I've changed my pastel colours to dark,
black, navy, green clothes. I guess it's all different now.
It's already so cold in here that I can literally smell the snow. 

Btw I have a question for you:
- What would you change in this blog? I kinda like my blog,
but I have only 21 readers and I can't get more no matter how i try!

maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2012

Je suis.. oh **** this, I can't speak French

Hey! I just wanted to show this amazing dress that I found from Motel Rocks.

Omg I love it so much!
Should I buy it? I really, REALLY want it!
But seriously, where would a girl like me, who has no outdoor life 
use it? (hah, I'm still gonna get it!)

Well the real information was that I have six tests during these
two weeks. Yes, you heard, six tests.
So basically that means that I have no time to post anything
and I should be reading to French test right now. I hate school.